Number of Soviet System Supporters Grows in Russia – Poll


MOSCOW, February 8 (RIA Novosti) – The number of people who support the Soviet political system has grown in Russia, a survey published by the Russian independent pollster Levada Center found.

Today, 36 percent of Russians regard the Soviet system as the best one for the country, compared to 29 percent in 2012. The number of Western democracy supporters has fallen from 29 percent to 22 percent, Levada Center reported. Only 17 percent said they remain loyal to the existing political system, a three percent drop from last year.

The survey also posed a question about the economic system. Poll results show that more than half of Russians (51 percent) support an economic model based on state planning (49 percent in 2012). Only 29 percent spoke in favor of private ownership and a free market system (36 percent in 2012).

The poll, conducted on January 18 to 21, involved 1,600 residents and had a margin of error not exceeding 3.4 percentage points.

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