Mironov Denies Party Membership Talks with FIDE President


MOSCOW, February 12 (RIA Novosti) - A Just Russia leader Sergei Mironov said he was unaware of any party membership talks between his party and the current president of FIDE (World Chess Federation) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

Russian media reported last week that Ilyumzhinov, also the former head of the Republic of Kalmykia, is returning to politics with plans to nominate himself as a candidate for the Kalmykian parliament - representing either the United Russia or A Just Russia parties.

“I’ve never heard of such negotiations and I have never conducted them,” Mironov said.

Ilyumzhinov earlier denied any connection with A Just Russia as “someone’s idea of provocation.” He also said he had been one of the founders of the union that later became United Russia and was “a member of this party.”

A source from A Just Russia confirmed Ilyumzhunov’s interest in the party but suggested he would prefer to represent United Russia if given a chance, Izvestia reported.

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