Russia, China Seek New Cybercrime Agreement


VLADIVOSTOK, January 28 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and China are pushing for a new agreement to combat cybercrime, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said on Monday.

All the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum's member states are concerned by the problem, but they are split on how best to tackle it, she said.

She explained that a new initiative in this area is needed because of how much has changed since the declaration on cyber security was adopted in Budapest a decade ago.

“During these 10 years, [cyber] space has changed so greatly that Russia, China and a number of other countries insist on the preparation of a new agreement to combat cybercrime,” Matviyenko said.

“Frankly speaking, no one has proposed any effective ways, effective measures of meeting this new challenge.”

The Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum opened in Vladivostok on Sunday and runs until Thursday.

Its security agenda focuses on peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region, fighting terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime, and challenges to global and regional stability.

In terms of the economy, it prioritizes the development of transport infrastructure and modern logistics centers, innovative growth, food security, and regional cooperation.

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