Bolshoi Director ‘Stable’ After Acid Attack


MOSCOW, January 19 (RIA Novosti) – Doctors say the Bolshoi Ballet artistic director who suffered an acid attack on Thursday is in stable condition, an assistant to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets told RIA Novosti Saturday.

Sergei Filin, who suffered third-degree burns to his face and neck, was transferred out of intensive care, according to Alexey Levchenko.

Filin is now able to walk independently and speak with his relatives, Levchenko added.

A masked assailant approached Filin as the 42-year-old artistic director was heading home late on January 17 and threw concentrated acid into his face.

Police have not yet identified a motive, but investigators believe the incident may be linked to internal theatre politics.

Filin, a former Bolshoi Ballet star, was appointed to his current post in March 2011, reportedly amid fierce rivalry.

Yekaterina Novikova, a spokesperson for the theatre, said earlier the attack came after months of intimidation, during which Filin received threatening phone calls and text messages. Novikova also said his car tires had been slashed and his personal correspondence hacked.

Doctors say Filin faces a long recovery period and multiple rounds of plastic surgery.

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