Russia cannot help Greece, it is EU problem — VTB Head Kostin


UFA, July 8. /TASS/. Russia is not able to help Greece, it is a problem of the European Union, VTB Head Andrey Kostin told journalists Wednesday.

"Even if Russia wanted to, it is unable to gather this sum. I have not even heard about Russia doing it, this is Europe’s problem. Europe created it and it has to solve it," he said.

Kostin also said that the plan of the Greece’s creditors doesn't stand up to scrutiny; the country's position is understandable.

"This plan doesn't stand up to scrutiny, it just is not necessary. Therefore, a position Greece’s government is understandable. They perfectly understand that they simply cannot handle this plan," Kostin said.

On June 27, 2015 at an extraordinary meeting of the Eurogroup international lenders have announced that the program of financial aid to Greece expires June 30 and would not be renewed without agreeing on the reform agenda in the country, and that Greece would not get a grace period on payments to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) €1.6 bln euros.

On July 5, a government-appointed referendum took place, at which the population was asked to speak "for" or "against" proposals of the EC, the IMF and the ECB on the settlement of the Greek debt problem.

The people were asked to decide whether the government should accept a draft deal presented by the "troika" at a meeting of the Eurogroup on June 25, 2015. The document of creditors consists of two parts — reforms to complete the current program and preliminary analysis of the debt’s stability.

A total of 61.31% of Greeks spoke against the terms of agreement with creditors on Greece’s debt — this is the final result of Sunday’s referendum announced by the Interior Ministry after 100% of ballots have been processed.

Long-term and medium-term commercial debt of Greece is currently at roughly €39 bln, which corresponds to 22% of the country’s GDP. All remaining debt — €261 bln (excluding €15 bln in Treasury bills) are owed to the official creditors (the European Union, the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund).

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