Nazarbayev views China as EAEU’s most potential partner


MOSCOW, May 8. /TASS/. Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev views China as one of the most potential partners for the Eurasian Economic Union comprising Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan in the process of joining it.

"Within the framework of non-preferential agreements with China, I think each of our countries can feel an additional impulse for the growth and I also feel it possible to approve the decision on the issue," Nazarbayev said at a session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on Friday.

Besides, the Kazakh leader named several other potential partners for the integration union.

"Turkey may become another potential partner at present," he said recalling the recent visit of Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan to Kazakhstan when the sides voiced an intention to improve cooperation and "to seal a trade deal with the Eurasian Union."

"We should consider it," Nazarbayev said dubbing Iran, India, Mongolia and Azerbaijan as other possible partners.

"Nowadays amid a crisis and the Western sanctions policy, the trade is quite naturally on the decline but such force majeure will always exist along with challenges. At the same time, in line with a common state of things, the enterprises and goods are being transferred and joint ventures are being set up so the crises cannot be everlasting and we are on the right course," the Kazakh president said.

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