Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning: Martyred Behind Bars for Truth-Telling
In 2013, Assange said "(Chelsea) Manning has become a martyr, adding:
She "didn't choose to be a martyr. I don't think it's a proper way for activists to behave to choose to be martyrs, but these (individuals, Manning, Edward Snowden and others) have risked their freedom, risked their lives, for all of us. That makes them heroes."
He's one of them, elevated to martyrdom in London's high-security Belmarsh prison, likely in punishing solitary confinement - ahead of extradition to the US for the crime of truth-telling journalism the way it's supposed to be.
Indefinitely detained for invoking her constitutional right to remain silent, her right not to testify before a witch-hunt grand jury, a notorious manipulative process designed to indict, the Trump regime wants Manning (and Assange) punished for doing the right thing.
Will it elevate them both to martyrdom, modern-day Joan of Arc figures? The 19-year-old 15th century French heroin was burned at the stake on false charges, a martyr declared a national symbol of France by Napoleon Bonaparte - beatified in 1909, canonized in 1920.
Will imprisonment of Manning and Assange assure their martyrdom for a just cause, for revealing what's vital for everyone to know?
At a time of universal deceit, notably in the West, truth-telling is a revolutionary act - with attribution to Orwell. Not according to Hillary Clinton, an unindicted war criminal multiple times over.
Infamous for saying: "We came. We saw. He died" about Muammar Gaddafi's sodomized death in October 2011, following US-led aggression on Libya she helped orchestrate, she mocked Julian Assange the same way, saying "it's a little ironic that he may be the only foreigner that (Trump) would welcome in the United States," adding:
His "indictment (is) not about punishing journalism (sic). It's about assisting the hacking of the military computer to steal information from the US government (sic)."
"The bottom line is that he has to answer for what he has done, at least as it's been charged." She and husband Bill belong in prison for high crimes gone unpunished. So do their successors and countless others in the imperial state and allied ones.
Led by establishment media, smearing Assange is in high gear. The NYT lied claiming WikiLeaks hacked Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno's phones, revealing personal information about him, published on an anonymous website.
It lied repeating Moreno's Big Lie, falsely accusing Assange of "installing electronic distortion equipment in (Ecuador's London) embassy, blocking security cameras, confronting and mistreating guards and gaining access to security files without permission."
It lied claiming WikiLeaks hacked DNC and John Podesta emails, material leaked by a Dem insider published by WikiLeaks.
It repeated the US intelligence community Big Lie, accusing WikiLeaks of acting as a Russian agent.
The neocon/CIA house organ Washington Post published an op-ed by London Guardian editor Alan Rushbridger, an anti-Assange hatchet job, saying:
"(M)aybe his greatest gift is the ability to make enemies (sic). He trusts, likes and respects almost no one (sic). He falls out with his friends and disgusts his opponents (sic)."
"Now that he has been dragged kicking and shouting (sic) from the Ecuadoran Embassy in London - where he was, by all accounts, the house guest from hell (sic) - he may find few allies in the world outside (sic)."
Fact: The above rubbish and what followed is typical Guardian disinformation, numerous times caught red-handed reporting bald-faced Big Lies.
Rushbridger lied calling Assange "a useful idiot to Russian President Vladimir Putin and an enabler to President Trump."
He lied saying Assange is "rude, aggressive, pompous, self-regarding, unreasonable and...smelly" - disgraceful stuff.
He lied claiming there's "not much to love about Julian Assange" - Rushbridger serving as a press agent for the May and Trump regimes, disgracing himself at the same time.
The Boston Globe newspaper I grew up with as a boy, adolescent and youth in the 1940s and 50s was far from what journalism is supposed to be back then.
Owned by the NYT today, it publishes similar rubbish - misinformation and disinformation instead of real news, information and opinion.
"Julian Assange shouldn't be a free speech martyr," it roared, falsely claiming Trump regime charges are unrelated to violations of speech and media freedoms - precisely what they're all about, wanting truth-telling silence, why Manning and Assange were and remain targeted.
Separately, the Globe called Assange "a bad guy (sic)...a Russian pawn who helped elected Donald Trump (sic)."
When endlessly repeated, Big Lies take on a life of their own. Ecuadorian envoy to the UK Jaime Marchan shamefully accused Assange of "put(ting) put excrement on the (embassy) walls."
His lawyer called the charge "outrageous," one of many phony reasons for handing him over to UK authorities.
In cahoots with the Trump regime, Ecuador, Britain and the US are elevating Assange to martyrdom by declaring him guilty by false accusation and holding him behind bars in punishing high security confinement.
Resisting the scourge of tyranny is a universal right and obligation.
When governments fail their people, the way things are today in the West and elsewhere globally, they forfeit their right to rule.
Civil disobedience becomes an essential tool for change, popular revolution the only solution. Nothing else can work.
VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."
Photo :By savemanning - http://bit.ly/2Uj2Eko, CC BY 2.0, http://bit.ly/2ZgKmE6
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