Journey to Wrangel Island


Russian bloger Sergey went to this island and here is his story below:

People often ask me: "Are there places where you haven't been, but really want to get there?" of course, such places exist, and one of them is Wrangel Island in the Chukchi Sea.

The remoteness and the lack of any logistics make it almost impossible to visit. The most convenient and comfortable way is to sit on the expedition ship Professor Khromov that commits several expeditions to the island each year.

This is exactly what I did for the implementation of my dream and today I'll tell you the story about this amazing journey.

Across the network:


Our expedition started in Anadyr. Despite the fact that the city stands on the water, there was no a suitable berth to which Khromov could moor. Therefore, passengers on the ship were transported by barge. Usually, these barges move cars from one bank to another.

But without cars it is more comfortable:


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