Crimean beaches in 20 – 50 years of the XX century


We suggest you to look at a set of old photographs of girls and women, who long ago had a rest on the coast of the Crimea. Photos were made in the first and beginning of the second half of the last century and swimsuits of bathers fully shows a particular era.

Further, the author's words:

Some of the most famous Crimean bathers: Empress Alexandra and her maid of honor Anna Vyrubova in the water. (Livadia, 1913)

Across the network:


This lady with grapes is also among the first Crimean bathers who have been photographed there. Her name remained a secret. But the place and the year are known: Yevpatoriya, 1916-th.

Another stranger on the beach. Judging by the background - a city beach in Yalta. Let’s try to calculate the date ourselves. Swimsuit is still quite austere. I would say - the first half of the 20s.

And about this lover of sea bathing we know much more information. Clerk of the Moscow Insurance Agency 21-year-old Vera A. Pavlova. During a vacation in Evpatoria resort "New Life" in July - August 1926, she took a few photos on the beach. A year later, she gave them to her sister. And one of the distant descendants posted them after more than 80 years in one of the most popular resources with retro photos. Very expressive photos aren’t they! Besides, as the model herself.

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