Far-right German party cuts circumcision ban from Islamophobic, anti-Semitic platform


The far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) finalized its platform in advance of their convention this weekend - and exposed a split within their ranks over the controversial issue of male circumcision.

While the majority backed bans on both Islamic and Jewish traditions including burkas, minarets, calls to prayer, and how animals are slaughtered, they cut out the proposal from Bavarian representatives to block the practice of snipping the tip of a baby boy’s penis.

The AfD platform gives both Jews and Muslims a common enemy and highlights many of the similarities between two faiths so often at odds.

The rules of Halal and Kosher, for instance, require animals to be alive, healthy, and uninjured before their throats are slit for human consumption, with the intention of minimizing the animal’s suffering.

AfD wants to end the exemption that allows followers of both faiths to slaughter their animals without first administering an electric shock.

They also want to ban burkas and niqabs in public places along with the wearing of headscarves in schools by both students and teachers.

Describing Islam as a "foreign body in Germany", party members believe it is not compatible with the EU country's constitution.

The party won seats in three legislatures during last month’s regional elections, picking up support from anti-refugee voters who didn’t find solace in the main parties.  

A leading member of AfD was appointed Berlin state prosecutor, giving him a powerful platform from which to carry out their aggressive beliefs.

"Nearly 80 percent of my perpetrators have an immigrant background, 70 percent are Middle Eastern migrants. Every one of these foreign perpetrators has no business whatsoever in this country," Roman Reusch said back in 2008.

Leader Frauke Petry has said police should shoot at those who don’t have a “legal” right to be in the EU country.

AfD also recently called for southern EU states including Spain, France, and Italy to be banned from the Eurozone, as they lack “cultures of stability”.

READ MORE: France, southern EU states should be excluded from Eurozone – German anti-immigrant AfD party

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