Russian Foreign Ministry urges adopting universal rules in information space


MOSCOW. May 18. /TASS/. Russia stands for adopting universal rules for all countries in the information space, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement distributed on Monday.

The session dedicated to "Global Threats in the Sphere of Information Technologies. Russian Foreign Ministry’s Tasks in Securing International Information Security" was chaired by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and brought together representative of several Russian agencies and the country’s Security Council.

"Modern military and political, terrorist and criminal threats in the information sphere have global character, and fighting them requires adoption of adequate measures on the broadest scale," the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "In the current conditions, Russia’s priority remains in developing universal rules of responsible behavior of countries in the information space, which would prevent attempts to commit aggressive acts, strengthen principles of respect for state sovereignty, non-interference into domestic affairs of other countries, human rights," the diplomatic agency added.

At the session, participants stressed the importance of working at international platforms to promote Russian initiatives in the sphere of information security. "The importance of cooperation with Russia in the framework of such structures as CIS, SCO, CSTO, BRICS was particularly noted," the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "Further deepening of partner ties with the countries that share our approaches and positions in issues of ensuring international information security was recognized as useful," the ministry added.

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