Protesters outside Ukraine parliament in Kiev declare indefinite rally


KIEV, May 14. /TASS/. Protesters who gathered outside the Ukrainian parliament building in Kiev on Thursday demanding the cabinet to decrease the gas tariffs have announced that the rally will be "indefinite."

The activists earlier said they planned to hold a protest for at least two days. "However, we have understood that single protests will hardly result in success," the participants of the rally said.

The event was organized by the Anti-Maidan movement and the union for protection of entrepreneurs. Protesters hold posters "Ukrainian Gas for Ukrainians" and call on Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to stop "stifling people."

A guillotine, gallows and a golden radiator have been installed on an improvised stage on the square. The organizers of the event are playing a performance showing the people’s reaction to the rising tariffs.

Police have cordoned off the Verkhovna Rada building, but the rally is still peaceful.

Activists are due to later march to the government building. The activists of the so-called "financial Maidan" have joined them demanding the country’s national bank to pay back the money on deposits of the bankrupt banks and solve the problems of foreign currency loans. Many Ukrainians have taken out loans in dollars to buy flats when the US dollar was some three or four times cheaper than now.

Earlier on Thursday, the parliament approved a law allowing banks not to pay back deposits to the clients earlier than the fixed date.

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