Kremlin watches UK elections, regrets cooling in bilateral relations — spokesman


MOSCOW, May 8. /TASS/. The Kremlin is watching the UK general elections and regrets the cooling of relations with Russia, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"Naturally, Moscow is watching the electoral process and the elections in the UK," the spokesman said, adding the United Kingdom is a very important country on the European space.

Traditionally, Russia develops equitable relations with the UK, Peskov said.

"Regrettably, the relations are in ‘a slightly freezing state’ now, so to speak, and not on the initiative of Russia," the Kremlin spokesman said.

"An active dialog or perhaps even an inactive dialog is actually absent, due to which we can only express our regret and say that Russia is interested in good relations of mutually advantageous cooperation with all countries, including the UK," the Kremlin spokesman said.

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