Ban Ki-moon says complicated to offer correct formula to reform Security Council


MOSCOW, May 9. /TASS/. Arguments about a necessary reform of the UN Security Council are correct, but it is a complicated task to offer a correct formula, the UN’s Secretary General’s Ban Ki-moon said in an exclusive interview with TASS First Deputy Director General Mikhail Gusman on Saturday.

"We have been listening for that kind of call for reforming the Security Council for more than 20 years," he said. "Looking back 70 years since the foundation of the United Nations, there have been tremendous changes, significant changes"

"The Security Counci,l which has the primary responsibility to maintain peace, should be changed in a more representative, more democratic, efficient and accountable way."

"It seems to be difficult to find a certain formula, the member states would agree."

While commenting on activities of the Organisation, he said one of the advantages is the many opinions. It is complicated to achieve common views, and many member countries take this for a drawback, Ban Ki-moon said.

"When some members try to bring in some national interests, the end result is that we always end up in global agenda, and this is a good point," he said. "We shall continue to maintain that kind of tradition of mutual respect, mutual understanding."

"I know there are some inefficiencies," he continued.

"As the secretary general for almost nine years, I have been exerting all my efforts to improve efficiencies and accountability and effectiveness of the United Nations through management reforms, through changing management," he said. "I continue to do that.".

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