Russia plans more than 250 scientific experiments on ISS


MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Russia has conducted or plans to conduct more than 250 various scientific experiments on the International Space Station (ISS), Russian ISS segment mission director Vladimir Solovyov said on Thursday.

"Our long-term program includes a total of 255 experiments that are in varying degrees of readiness, 182 of them are experiments on the station or those are at the stage of ground preparation and 73 experiments have been completed," Solovyov said at a scientific conference in Moscow.

He added that 221 experiments with foreign participation have been implemented or are at the stage of implementation on the Russian ISS segment in the period from 2000 to 2015.

According to the Russian ISS flight director, more than 150 spacewalks have been performed since the moment of the station creation. The share of repairs in the general EVA volume was 10-20%, and the rest 80% of spacewalks focused on the installation of research equipment and scientific experiments.

Solovyov said that that at present, 59 experiments in the field of space exploration technology, 24 - in the field of physical and chemical processes in outer space, 57 - in the field of Earth and space research, 46 - in the field of human organism studies in the weightlessness conditions, 51 - in the field of space biology and biotechnology and 18 - in the field of education and popularisation of space exploration have been completed or are at the stage of implementation.

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