French MP calls policy of anti-Russian sanctions 'absolutely foolish'


MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. The policy of anti-Russian sanctions is "absolutely foolish," French MP Thierry Mariani said on Thursday.

"We need to overcome this absolutely foolish policy of sanctions," Mariani told a seminar on Europe’s development prospects in Moscow.

"Sanctions interfere with our relations [with Russia]," Mariani, who is a member of French National Assembly’s Commission on International Affairs, said. "Russia is suffering. However, France, Germany and the whole of Europe are suffering as well, becoming poorer from these sanctions. From the economic and political point of view, these sanctions are absolutely useless," he stressed.

Russian State Duma’s Committee on Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Ties with Compatriots chairman Leonid Slutsky said that sanctions are the result of anti-Russian propaganda "artificially distributed in the political and informational space of the European continent." "This reminds the situation of 2008 when [European media] said that it was Russia, and not Mikheil Saakashvili [former Georgian President] who attacked South Ossetia," Slutsky said, adding that Russia and Europe should try to understand each other better.

Thierry Mariani arrived in Moscow as a head of the French delegation that includes 20 MPs on the invitation of State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin.

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