Rosneft Considers Construction of LNG Plant Within Sakhalin-1 Project Best Option


YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK , September 23 (RIA Novosti) -Russia's Rosneft considers constructing the Far-Eastern Liquefied natural gas (LNG) Plant within the Sakhalin-1 project to be the "best option," the company's vice president Vlada Rusakova said on Tuesday.

"The best option is the integrated program with the Sakhalin-1," Rusakova told journalists, answering the question on the possibilities of the project implementation within the Sakhalin-1.

Rusakova has noted, that the number of different options has been considered. "The administration of the Sakhalin region supports the idea of integration," Rusakova said, adding that the cost of construction of the LNG Plant is estimated at $8 billion.

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