Post Apocalyptic Chicken in Ukraine



If you wondered how the post apocalyptic world might look like seconds after a disaster this might be a real life, not movie taken, scene. Thousands of suddenly freed chicken leave the farm, trying to eat something, trying to each other, going to other sides. Please note an alarm sound on the background adding to the atmosphere and people looking pretty shocked seeing all this. Video of this incident is inside and besides we have one more story of chicken in Ukraine inside too:

Well, of course in real post apocalyptic setting I bet those men in the car won’t spent their time for useless “Wow! Look at this!” but rather start hunting and stuffing all these meat into their cars. But it’s not there yet. Though a few days ago there was an event when one of the clans in Ukraine has captured a truck full of chicken, towed it into the city downtown and started giving the hens to anyone, so quickly a few blocks of line has formed out of people wanting a free white meat – here you can see a line and click for a panoramic full size shot:


Well, to fully comprehend the size of the line people formed you might want to take a look on this video someone has taken passing by on a bus:

And please note that this is all in a peaceful setting of normal post-Soviet city. Looks like everything is pretty normal but here is the truck of hens taken from somewhere by the soldiers of the Demon (that’s the commander who took the truck, we had his tank featured here). Here is the truck up close with a graffiti “Hello from a Demon”:



People look pretty happy. There was a limit of two chicken per person.

So, what do you think, where this all is heading now?

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