Attaches of 30 Countries Observe Russian Military Drills


KAMCHATKA, September 23 (RIA Novosti) – Military representatives from 30 countries are observing the Vostok-2014 military exercise in Russia's Far East, Defense Ministry spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told the press on Tuesday.

"Russia's Defense Ministry invited more than 40 military attaches from 30 countries to the Vostok-2014 exercise," Konashenkov said.

Military attaches from China, North Korea, Venezuela, Peru, Angola and Zimbabwe are among those present at the drills. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also visited the drill site.

During the exercise, Eastern Military District units will defend against a massive airstrike by the maneuver enemy, strike back at the aircraft carrier groups and amphibious troops at sea, hit landing craft with artillery fire in air and sea troop landing areas and maintain anti-amphibious defenses.

At this stage of the exercise, 13 ships, three submarines, 13 support vessels, 40 aircraft, 28 helicopters, four unmanned systems, four coastal missile systems, Grad multiple rocket launchers, artillery and anti-aircraft systems are involved. More than 6,500 soldiers are participating in the exercise.

The Vostok-2014 strategic military exercise in the Eastern Military District is taking place from September 19 to 25. The exercise was preceded by unannounced combat readiness checks.

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