Do They Have Internet Connection on the Arctic Icebreaker?


If you think that ice-breakers sailing in the cold Arctic have no Internet connection, you are wrong. We are going to come aboard one of them to see what means of communication they use.

They do have Internet connection on the icebreaker in the Arctic. Moreover for execution of combat tasks of the expedition they use space satellites.

They also use satphones to call to the mainland and ordinary telephones in the rooms to contact other crew members.

They have four TV channels (satellite television).

Radio transmits one radiostation and messages for crew members.

They have reliable satellite communication with the scientific and research center.

Connection with the icebreaker is provided by a twenty-four-hour satellite channel whose capacity is 1,5 Mbit / s in the shore-ship direction and 512 Kbit / s in the ship-shore direction. Data transfer is unlimited. In fact it’s the largest ice researching expedition in the northern seas since the Soviet time, but no expedition of the times gone could compare…

At the office. Here they surf the Internet while the vessel is sailing.

The crew of the icebreaker may use the satellite connection at their own account (almost a dollar per minute or ten dollars per megabyte).

Captain’s assistant.

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