Moscow Urges Kiev to Stop Violence, Human Rights Violations


MOSCOW, May 7 (RIA Novosti) – Kiev is continuing to grossly violate human rights with the tacit approval of the West, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday.

“The condemnation by the high-ranking official from the UN’s Human Rights body, violence and tyranny in Ukraine confirms that the illegitimate Kiev authorities under the cover of their Western patrons are continuing gross violations of conventional legal norms,” the statement said.

“We call on the de facto government in Kiev to immediately cease the use of force against its own people and take concrete steps to begin peace in society,” the ministry added.

On May 6, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay made a statement in which she expressed grave concern about the deadly violence in Ukraine, in particular pointing to the recent tragedy in Odessa that claimed more than 40 lives.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the events a result of the “criminal irresponsibility of the Kiev leadership indulging insolent nationalist radicals, including Right Sector, who are staging a campaign of physical terror against supporters of federalization and real constitutional changes in Ukrainian society."

On Monday, Moscow released a "White Book" of the most heinous human rights violations in Ukraine. The Russian Foreign Ministry said it based its report on Russian, Ukrainian and foreign media reports, as well as on the Kiev regime's statements, eye witness testimonies, as well as on facts and interviews collected by Russian NGOs.

The goal of the book was to draw attention by the world community to the facts of the events ongoing in Ukraine. The OSCE has echoed Moscow’s concerns over the human rights situation in Ukraine, criticizing the country’s authorities for banning journalists from entering its territory and other widespread infringements on press freedom.

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