Snowden Denies Giving Secret US Documents to Russia – Paper


MOSCOW, October 18 (RIA Novosti) – Fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has said there is no way secret US documents could have fallen into the hands of the Russian security services, because he was not carrying any such material when he arrived in Russia.

“There’s a zero percent chance the Russians or Chinese have received any documents,” he said in an interview with the New York Times conducted by encrypted email over the last month.

Snowden said he gave all the classified documents he possessed to journalists before he left Hong Kong on a June 23 flight to Moscow.

A former contractor for the National Security Agency, Snowden is wanted in the United States on espionage charges for leaking details of secret state surveillance programs. He has been granted asylum in Russia for one year.

Snowden told the New York Times that he handed documents to journalists because he wanted his own bias “divorced from the decision-making of publication,” and said that “technical solutions” were put in place to ensure that it would be impossible to interfere with journalists using the material.

The New York Times said Snowden declined to give any details of his living conditions in Moscow, but said he was free to move around and was not under the control of the Russian government.

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