4 Men Probed For Possible Role in Attack on Lawmaker


MOSCOW, July 11 (RIA Novosti) - Four young men are being probed for possible involvement in Tuesday’s attack on a Russian parliament member in Moscow, police said on Wednesday.

Lawmaker Roman Khudyakov from the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) was beaten on the Berezhkovskaya embankment at around 7:30 p.m. Moscow time (3:30 GMT) on Tuesday. Two suspects fled the scene after the attack and policemen are currently searching for them.

Police from the Volga area city of Volgograd detained four people travelling in a Lexus 407 car after receiving a description of possible suspects from Moscow law-enforcers.

A spokesman for the Volgograd police department said two of the men behaved aggressively when their car was stopped for an identity check.

Police seized two non-lethal weapons and live rounds from them.

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