Putin to Take up Literature, Sports After Quitting Politics


MOSCOW, April 5 (RIA Novosti) – Literature, sports, jurisprudence and public projects will top the list of Vladimir Putin's interests when he decides to quit politics, the Russian president said on Friday.

“I do expect that after my retirement from political life and public service I will have an opportunity to busy myself with other things and challenges. I like jurisprudence and literature, and I do hope I will have a chance to occupy myself with these without any link to my public service duties. Maybe I will look into other issues. It can be social life, sports, etc.,” Putin told the German broadcaster ARD in an interview at his Novo-Ogarevo residence near Moscow.

"Every normal person tries to plan in advance. Moreover, I am far from being the longest-serving politician. There are people in leading positions in politics who have worked much longer than I, both in Europe and in North America,” said Putin, who has ruled Russia for 14 years.

Putin, who is known for his love for martial arts and skiing, served as Russian president in 2000-2008. In 2008, he moved to the post of prime minister after Dmitry Medvedev took over the Kremlin, but remained by far Russia’s most powerful politician. Putin was reelected for a third six-year term in 2012.

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