Fewer Russians Consider Their Country Space Leader - Survey


MOSCOW, April 11 (RIA Novosti) - The share of Russians who consider their country the leader in space exploration has fallen by about a third to 35 percent in 2013 from 51 percent two years ago, but has only changed slightly since last year, according to an opinion survey.

Thirty-six percent of those polled said Russia was the leading space power in 2012, in line with the survey by independent pollster Levada Center published Tuesday.

According to the 2013 opinion poll results, the United States was in second place: it was named the top space explorer by 31 percent of respondents, China came third (nine percent) and the European Union fourth (six percent).

The viewpoint that Russia is the space leader was most often voiced by unemployed people (46 percent), pensioners and housewives (39 percent each), and men (37 percent), the pollster said.

A half of respondents said Russia should expand its space exploration programs, five percent said they should be cut and 38 percent said nothing should be changed.

The survey was conducted on March 22-25, 2013 among 1,601 people aged 18 and older in 130 cities, towns and villages of 45 Russian regions. The statistical margin of error does not exceed 3.4 percent.

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