Korean skirmish: Why Pyongyang shells, but not attacks?


The North and South Koreans rewarded each other with mutual shooting. On 20 August Pyongyang shelled the loudspeakers, which South Koreans use for propaganda messages in the border area. Seoul responded with155 mm caliber shell shooting. 

Alexander Zhebin, director of the Center for Korean Studies at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies: ''None of international laws allows a neighbouring state to launch balloons with leaflets calling to overthrow of the government, transfer money and other smuggling from its territory for the same reasons. The South Koreans were pointed at such inadmissible actions several times. And the aim of this war is to eliminate the existing regime inthe Democratic People's Republic of Korea.'' 

Will the South and North Koreans manage toestablish contacts? The Vietnamese once came off with a kind of that. Although, at the same time, war between Seoul andPyongyanghas been going on for years.

Alexander Zhebin, director of the Center for Korean Studies at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies: ''Instead of trying to celebrate an undoubtedly significant historical date, very important for their history, that is 70th anniversary ofliberation fromtheJapanese colonialrule, the Koreans continue their confrontation.

It is known, that there are 28,000 of American soldiers in the South. And saying that North Koreawill attack them at once, taking into consideration that the Americans are deployed there, seems to me to have no grounds.''

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