Russia vetoes UN Security Council resolution on MH17 plane crash in Ukraine


UNITED NATIONS, July 29 /TASS/. Russia vetoed the United Nations Security Council resolution on establishing an international tribunal to prosecute persons guilty of the MH17 plane crash over Ukraine on July 17, 2014 on Wednesday.

Eleven Security Council members voted for the Malaysia-proposed draft, which, in fact, was enough for its adoption but Russia used its right of veto.

Another three countries, including Angola, Venezuela and China, abstained from voting.

Prior to the vote, the UN Security Council observed a minute of silence in memory of the MH17 victims who died in an air crash near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, on July 17, 2014.

The two-page Malaysia-proposed draft resolution classifies the incident as a threat to international peace and security and provides for the creation of a tribunal under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter in pursuit of a single goal - to prosecute persons responsible for crimes linked to the destruction of the Malaysia Airlines plane (flight MH17). The statute (charter) of the proposed tribunal, which supplements the draft resolution, demands that all countries should cooperate with the future legal body in full measure.

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