Quiet night in Donetsk, no shelling registered


MOSCOW, July 26. /TASS/. Over the past night Ukraine’s Donetsk did not register a shelling, the city’s heads of district administrations told the Donetsk News Agency on Sunday.

"We did not fix any shelling last night," press service of the Kuibyshev district said.

"In our district, the night was quiet; there is no information about shelling, destroying or victims," administration of the Kiev district said.

The Petrov region near the front line was not shelled, either.

Local authorities say the quiet situation continues in Donetsk.

On Saturday, July 18, DPR and LPR announced withdrawing from the line of engagement of tanks and armoured vehicles equipped with guns of under 100mm calibre to the distance of at least 3 kilometres. Within July 19, DPR withdrew 41 tanks and 84 infantry fighting vehicles. LPR as of 08:00 p.m. on July 19 finalised withdrawal of all the weapons of under 100mm calibre from the line of engagement with the exception for the area near the settlement of Schastye.

The ceasefire regime in Donbass was announced officially on February 15.

Regular talks of the participants in the Trilateral Contact Group on the east Ukrainian settlement comprising representatives of Russia, Ukraine and the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) were held in the Belarusian capital city of Minsk on February 10-12. Talks of the Normandy Four (Russia, Germany, France, and Ukraine) leaders on the Ukrainian issue also ended February 12 in Minsk.

A 13-point Package of Measures on implementation of the September 2014 Minsk agreements was adopted at the February talks.

The package in particular included an agreement on cessation of fire from February 15, withdrawal of heavy armaments, as well as measures on long-term political settlement of the situation in Ukraine, including enforcement of a special self-rule status for certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The ceasefire has been repeatedly violated since.

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