Russian army to receive over 250 planes and other aircraft in 2015


MOSCOW, May 20 /TASS/. The Russian army will receive over 250 aircraft, including planes, helicopters and drones, in 2015, Russia’s First Deputy Defense Minister Arkady Bakhin said on Wednesday.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the Russian armed forces were expected to receive about 150 planes and helicopters before year’s end.

"In 2015, about 250 new aircraft will come in service with the Russian army," Bakhin went on to say.

He added the receipt of new aircraft could increase many times the risks of huger damage from the loss of aircraft in air accidents.

Bakhin called on chief commanders of the Russian Air Force and Navy and commanders of military districts to focus on technical retooling of aviation military units and qualitative retraining of all categories of aviation personnel and tighten control over the safety of flights when new aircraft were going to be mastered.

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