Medvedev says confident in quality of products sold in Russia


VLADIVOSTOK, May 23. /TASS/. Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is confident in good quality of products sold in Russia, as the regulations are very strict in that sphere.

"We have a very strict control over all the sanitary and epidemic issues and the consumer rights," he said in an interview with Vesti v Subbotu programme host Sergey Brilyov on Saturday. "Somebody may say it is a paradox, but the legislation in this sphere has been very strict since the Soviet times."

The prime minister did not agree with the opinion about danger of the products offered in Russia, which contain palm oil.

"Well, I have read about it, but I think those are rather fears and phantoms, which spread very often," he said. "Products are different: some are purely natural, others are made with fats, or with oils."

"If you are afraid of palm oil, then simply read the label and do not buy such products, though that oil is not dangerous," the prime minister said.

Russia to stick to import substitution in agriculture - PM

The Russian government will stick to a policy of import substitution in agriculture, Medvedev said.

"We have set a course for import substitution in agriculture. We will plant new gardens, develop greenhouse business. Of course, we will deal with cattle breeding," Medvedev said.

He said anti-Russian sanctions positively affected the relations between agricultural producers and sellers. "They had to turn to each other," he said.

The premier said the growth of volumes of domestic goods supplies to retail chains was positive for the prices.

"If products are local, price fluctuations are small," he said.

A system of import substitution had to be introduced in Russia in connection with imposition of Western sanctions on Russia for developments in Ukraine and Moscow’s countersanctions.

Russia has constantly dismissed accusations of "annexing" Crimea, because Crimea reunified with Russia voluntarily after a referendum, as well as allegations that Moscow could in any way be involved in hostilities in the southeast of Ukraine.

Medvedev said in October 2014 that while pursuing a policy of import substitution, Russia should not confine itself to replacement of goods imports but should also focus on substitution of foreign developments.

In his address to the Federal Assembly, Russia's parliament, on December 4, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the import substitution policy is among the country’s long-term priorities.

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