Soviet Magnetic Levitation Train


Posted on by gm

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Wagon TA-05 – the first Soviet car on electromagnetic suspension with linear electric, built in the period Since 1985 to 1986. The first successful launch was conducted February 25, 1986.

“Our laboratory is working over creation a project of a passenger wagon that will move without touching the rails. It will move horizontally using the principle of linear three-phase asynchronous motor. Moving with a cruising speed of up to 250 kilometers per hour, the vehicle will be virtually silent . Path can be lifted on a platform over the main thoroughfares of the city . One kilometer will cost 3-5 times cheaper than the subway , ” said in an interview with Head of the Laboratory VNIIPItransprogress A.Chemodurov .

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Near Moscow there was built a 600 meter speed section.

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It was planned to use on the route wagons for 65 people, each 19 meters long and weighing 40 tons. Cruising speed wagon equal 250km / h, with the prospect of 400 km / h and above. There were also plans to use coupling of several wagons, that should be a full train.

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Projects of two such lines in Moscow were created in 1992.

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But after the fall of the USSR financing of the project was stopped.

By the way, this wagon was stared in movie “Don’t joke with robots”.

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