Russian Man Kills Brother in Fight Over Which TV Show to Watch


MOSCOW, February 11 (RIA Novosti) – An argument between two brothers over which TV show to watch turned deadly in Russia’s Ural Mountains, with the elder stabbing his sibling multiple times in the throat, investigators said Tuesday.

The 32-year-old elder brother, who had a “history of extreme aggression,” then went to a friend’s home to nurse a hangover, investigators in the Udmurtia Republic said in a statement.

The body of the victim, 28, was discovered by their mother, who called the police, the Investigative Committee said.

The elder brother, previously convicted of making death threats and stealing, was apprehended upon returning home and now faces 15 years in prison.

It remained unclear which television show precipitated the dispute.

This is far from the oddest motive behind a murder in Russia. Last week, a man in the same region killed his live-in girlfriend for neglecting to clear away their New Year’s tree.

In January, a retired teacher killed a drinking companion for claiming that prose was a higher form of literature than poetry.

And last September, a man was shot in the head – though he survived – in a dispute about the views of Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant while waiting in a line for beer.

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