Moscow Female Student Jailed for Human Trafficking


MOSCOW, December 6 (RIA Novosti) – A female student at a Moscow university has been sentenced to three years in a prison for selling young women to men, prosecutors in the Russian capital said Friday.

Prosecutors described the activities of Kseniya Prokhorova, 23, who came to the capital from the nearby Kostroma Region, as “criminal matchmaking.”

She put classified ads on the Internet promising young women large amounts of money in exchange for “one-off meetings” and trips abroad with wealthy men, they said in a statement.

“Prokhorova promised an 18-year-old from the Saratov Region who had responded to her ad that she would be ‘kept’ by a Moscow businessman,” the statement said. The enterprising matchmaker was detained by police in August after selling the girl to a buyer in a café for 300,000 rubles ($9,000), prosecutors said.

Prokhorova was given three years for human trafficking after pleading guilty.

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